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Long John Silver's Salt lake city

Seafood Restaurants
Feel like shopping in Salt lake city or looking for a Long John Silver's? View below the address, phone number and the website of Long John Silver's Salt lake city. Through the map you can simply find out where they are located in Salt lake city.

Also see Long John Silver's Stores and Stores Salt lake city.

36 S St
84103 Salt lake city
(801) 521-2574

Stores in the area of Salt lake city

Long John Silver's Las vegas
580 km
Long John Silver's North las vegas
586 km
Long John Silver's Rio rancho
761 km
Long John Silver's Peoria
782 km
Long John Silver's Albuquerque
793 km
Long John Silver's Surprise
796 km
Long John Silver's Sun city
800 km
Long John Silver's Glendale
808 km
Long John Silver's Phoenix
814 km
Long John Silver's Avondale
819 km
For more Long John Silver's locations in the USA see Long John Silver's Stores.
For all stores in Salt lake city see Stores Salt lake city or view more Seafood Restaurants in the USA.

The distances mentioned above are measured in kilometres and as the crow flies.