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Safeway Seattle

Supermarkets & Super Stores
Feel like shopping in Seattle or looking for a Safeway? View below the addresses, phone numbers and the website of Safeway Seattle. Through the map you can simply find out where they are located in Seattle.

Also see Safeway Stores and Stores Seattle.

12318 15th Ave NE
98125 Seattle
(206) 367-0929

1410 E John St
98112 Seattle
(206) 322-2176

1423 NW Market St
98107 Seattle
(206) 784-6480

2100 Queen Anne Ave N
98109 Seattle
(206) 282-8090

2201 E Madison St
98112 Seattle
(206) 494-1520

2622 California Ave SW
98116 Seattle
(206) 937-5112

3020 NE 45th St
98105 Seattle
(206) 522-8350

3820 Rainier Ave S
98118 Seattle
(206) 725-9887

3900 S Othello St
98118 Seattle
(206) 722-5552

3900 SW Othello St
98136 Seattle
(206) 723-5395

4732 Brooklyn Ave NE
98105 Seattle
(206) 522-4565

4754 42nd Ave S
98118 Seattle
(206) 932-6026

4754 42nd Ave SW
98116 Seattle
(206) 932-6026

516 1st Ave W
98119 Seattle
(206) 494-1685

530 Broadway E
98102 Seattle
(206) 323-1190

7300 Roosevelt Way NE
98115 Seattle
(206) 525-6348

7340 35th Ave NE
98115 Seattle
(206) 524-7064

8340 15th Ave NW
98117 Seattle
(206) 782-7464

8701 Phinney Ave N
98103 Seattle
(206) 782-1831

8704 Greenwood Ave N
98103 Seattle
(206) 494-0440

9262 Rainier Ave S
98118 Seattle
(206) 494-1120

9620 28th Ave SW
98126 Seattle
(206) 935-3996
Click on an address to zoom in on the specific Safeway.

More Supermarkets & Super Stores in Seattle

Whole Foods Market

Stores in the area of Seattle

Safeway Kenmore
5 km
Safeway Shoreline
5 km
Safeway Kirkland
7 km
Safeway Edmonds
14 km
Safeway Bellevue
15 km
Safeway Redmond
15 km
Safeway Lynnwood
16 km
Safeway Bothell
17 km
Safeway Mill creek
17 km
Safeway Bainbridge island
20 km
For more Safeway locations in the USA see Safeway Stores.
For all stores in Seattle see Stores Seattle or view more Supermarkets & Super Stores in the USA.

The distances mentioned above are measured in kilometres and as the crow flies.