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Barnes & Noble Georgetown

Book Stores
Feel like shopping in Georgetown or looking for a Barnes & Noble? View below the address, phone number and the website of Barnes & Noble Georgetown. Through the map you can simply find out where they are located in Georgetown.

Also see Barnes & Noble Stores and Stores Georgetown.

4003 S Fraser St
29440 Georgetown
(843) 545-9898

Stores in the area of Georgetown

Barnes & Noble Myrtle beach
49 km
Barnes & Noble Wilmington
160 km
Barnes & Noble Buford
431 km
Barnes & Noble Lawrenceville
436 km
Barnes & Noble Alpharetta
458 km
Barnes & Noble Chesapeake
463 km
Barnes & Noble Norfolk
469 km
Barnes & Noble Virginia beach
473 km
Barnes & Noble Atlanta
474 km
Barnes & Noble Newport news
478 km
For more Barnes & Noble locations in the USA see Barnes & Noble Stores.
For all stores in Georgetown see Stores Georgetown or view more Book Stores in the USA.

The distances mentioned above are measured in kilometres and as the crow flies.